IHD - EQUITAP Working Papers
Charu C. Garg and Anup K Karan authored the following working papers under the aegis of EQUITAP project, of which IHD was a collaborating institution for India.
Working Paper 1
Who pays for health care in Asia?.
May 2005. (Multi-country co-authored study).
Working Paper 2:
Co-author with van Doorslaer E, O'Donnell O et. al (2005):
Paying out-of-pocket for health care in Asia: Catastrophic and poverty impact
Working Paper 3:
Co-author with O'Donnell O, van Doorslaer E et. al (2005)
Who benefits from public spending on health care in Asia' , EQUITAP project,
Working Paper 5:
Co-author with O'Donnell O, van Doorslaer E et. al (2005):
Explaining the incidence of catastrophic expenditures on health care:
Comparative evidence from Asia. Co-author, June 2005.
Working Paper 7:
Co-author with Rannan-Eliya and EQUITAP Partners (2005)
Comparative experiences of tax-funded health care systems in Asia: Bangladesh,
Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
Working Paper 10:
Co Author with Rannan-Eliya, Fernando and Equitap partners (2005):
Estimates of national health expenditures in Asia using OECD SHA framework.
Working Paper 11:
Review of National Commitments to Reducing Health
Inequalities in Asia: Content Analysis of Policy Documents. May 2005.
(Multi-country co-authored study).
Working Paper 15:
Garg Charu C. and Karan A. (2005): Health and Millennium Development
Goal 1: Reducing out-of-pocket expenditures to reduce income poverty - Evidence from India
Several of these working papers were developed as peer reviewed papers and published in international journals such The Lancet, The World Bank Economic review, Health Economics, Health Policy and Planning