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• Policy Conference on “Promoting Inclusion and Reducing Disparities in the Labour Market in Brazil and India”, 14 March 2015, New Delhi

• Workshop on “Understanding Inequality in Brazil and India”, 17 February 2015, New Delhi (IHD in collaboration with JNU)

• Presentation in the 56th Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference

• IHD- CEBRAP Project Meeting, 16th to 22nd August, 2014

• Workshop on “Development, Labour and Inequality: The Brazilian and Indian Experiences”, 21 August 2014, at CEBRAP in São Paulo

• Panel Discussion on “Growth and Inequality” in 56th Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference, 18 December 2014, JNU

• Project Meeting & Workshop on CEBRAP-IHD-IDRC project on LMI, 8-11 October 2013 at CEBRAP, São Paulo, Brazil

• Debate and Book Launch of “Aligning Economic and Social Goals in Emerging Economies Employment and social protection in Brazil, China, India and South Africa” on 2 April 2013, New Delhi

• Consultative workshop on “Labour Market Inequality: A comparative study in Brazil and India”, 1-2 April 2013, New Delhi

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  Institute for Human Development (IHD)
  CEBRAP, São Paulo
  International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada
  Project Partner: CEBRAP, São Paulo
  Supported by: IDRC, Canada
  Labour Market Inequality
Institute for Human Development
NIDM Building, IIPA Campus, I.P. Estate
Mahatama Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi -110002. India
Phone: + 91 11 2335 8166
Fax: + 91 11 2376 5410
Email: brazilindia@ihdindia.org
Website: ihdindia.org/lmi