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Prof. Asha Kapur Mehta

Prof. Asha Kapur Mehta
Visiting Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Gender Studies

  • S. and Ph.D. (Iowa State University, USA)
  • Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
  • A. (Delhi School of Economics)

Professor Aasha Kapur Mehta is Chairperson, Centre for Gender Studies and Visiting Professor at the Institute for Human Development, Delhi. Prior to joining IHD she was Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Public Administration. She worked at IIPA for 32 years and at Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University before that. She studied at Delhi School of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Iowa State University, USA. She received the Fulbright Scholarship, the McNamara fellowship, Phi Kappa Phi (for overall excellence in academics), Gamma Sigma Delta (for excellence in agricultural economics), was recognised as an Associate of the University of Birmingham and received the Gender Economist, Skoch Development Challenger award.

She was a Member of the Core Group of the Ad-hoc Task Force appointed by the Cabinet Secretariat for reviewing the performance targets of Government Ministries/Departments included in their Results-Framework Documents for several years. In addition to serving as Member, Group of Feminist Economists constituted by Planning Commission to review the Sectoral Reports of Working Groups and Steering Committees for the Eleventh and Twelfth Plans, she was a Member of Working Groups, and chaired the Subgroup on “Gender Mainstreaming and Effective Accountability Mechanisms” for the Twelfth Plan and the Subgroup on Gender and Agriculture for the Eleventh Plan. She was invited as an expert to assist NITI Aayog in formulating the Rural Economy chapter for the Vision, Strategy and Action Plan document.  She has also served on several Committees constituted by Ministries such as MoRD, MWCD, MoPR and MoSPI.

She has conducted a large number of research and consultancy assignments for MWCD, NCW, MoSPI, MNRE, Tribal Affairs, MoRD, MCA and State Governments as well as multilateral and bilateral agencies such as UNDP, UN Women, UNIFEM, ILO, UNICEF, World Bank and DFID. She led the work of the Chronic Poverty Research Centre in India for more than a decade. She has also conducted a large number of training programmes for middle and senior level Government officers. Her books, articles, working papers and reports are on poverty, chronic poverty, poverty dynamics, human and gender development indicators, gender budgeting, deprivation and gender  related indicators, paid and unpaid care, data gaps, the invisibility of women’s work and women’s contribution to the economy.

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