Policy Conference on “Promoting Inclusion and Reducing Disparities in the Labour Market in Brazil and India”, 14 March 2015, New Delhi
The main objective of this Conference was to make a valuable contribution to the prevalent policy debates on inclusive development by considering labour market policy measures that can widen access and reduce disparities. The research project, ‘Labour market inequality in Brazil and India’ has examined the patterns and trends of labour market inequality in the two countries.
Workshop on “Understanding Inequality in Brazil and India”, 17 February 2015, New Delhi (IHD in collaboration with JNU)
About 60 participants, mainly from university and research institutions in Delhi, were present for some or all of the proceedings. There were four participants from Brazil, one from South Africa and two from Indian institutions outside Delhi. It was opened by Professor Praveen Jha, Director of the CESP, and by Professor Alakh Sharma, Director of IHD. There were six thematic sessions followed by a concluding panel discussion.
Presentation in the 56th Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference
Title: “Labour Market Inequality in India and Brazil: Comparing Labour Market Institutions in India and Brazil”, 18 December 2014, BIT Mesra
The presentation was a part of a larger technical session involving presentation by other academics on the topic of “industrial relations”. At the end of the presentation, several questions and comments were raised with regard to the various presentations made in the session; for the purpose of this report, only those comments and questions pertaining to the LMI project have been reported.
IHD- CEBRAP Project Meeting, 16th to 22nd August, 2014
A joint meeting of the Indian and Brazilian LMI team was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil to review the work produced thus far and to discuss the future course of action. The various papers drafted during the last six months were discussed during the week, along with preparation for the consultative workshop and a review of the tabulations and preliminary work conducted for the papers under progress. A major part of the week was spent on the comparative paper which contrasts labour market inequality in both India and Brazil (henceforth comparative paper C).
Workshop on “Development, Labour and Inequality: The Brazilian and Indian Experiences”, 21 August 2014, at CEBRAP in São Paulo
The project aims to improve understanding of the sources of inequality, the patterns of change and the impact of state policies, drawing on the similarities and differences in the Brazilian and Indian experiences. Starting in March 2013, research teams from CEBRAP and IHD have already produced several papers on different issues, including the methods to be applied, the nature of the growth regimes in the two countries, the different shapes of the labor markets and the roles of social policies and labor institutions, in order to understand the contrasting patterns and trends of inequality.
Panel Discussion on “Growth and Inequality” in 56th Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference, 18 December 2014, JNU
The session on Growth and Inequality in India and Brazil was held on the 18th of December 2014 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. The session was organized under the project entitled ‘Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India’ based at the Institute for Human Development, New Delhi and CEBRAP, Brazil; and being supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada. The panel discussion was conceptualized by Prof. Gerry Rodgers, Visiting Professor at the Institute for Human Development.
Project Meeting & Workshop on CEBRAP-IHD-IDRC project on LMI, 8-11 October 2013 at CEBRAP, São Paulo, Brazil
The Brazil and India teams of the CEBRAP-IHD-IDRC project on Labour Market Inequality met for a workshop from 8-11 October 2013 at CEBRAP, São Paulo, Brazil. The aim of the meeting was to intensively discuss work in progress, and to plan collaborative papers to be written in the October 2013 to February 2014 period. The members present from the Brazilian team were: Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa, Eduardo Luiz Cury, Fábio Tatei, Ian Prates, Maria Cristina Cacciamali and Tânia de Toledo Lima. Members of the Indian team included: Gerry Rodgers, Janine Rodgers, Nandini Nayak and Vidhya Sounderarajan.
Debate and Book Launch of “Aligning Economic and Social Goals in Emerging Economies Employment and social protection in Brazil, China, India and South Africa” on 2 April 2013, New Delhi
“Aligning Economic and Social Goals in Emerging Economies: Employment and social protection in Brazil, China, India and South Africa”, published by the Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi, and Academic Foundation and edited by Gerry Rodgers was released by Mr. Nitin Desai, Chairman, Governing Council, Institute of Economic Growth and Former Under Secretary General, United Nations on 2 April, 2013 at New Delhi. The book release was followed by a debate on ‘the connections between economic and social policy in emerging economies’. Eminent economists like Prof. Deepak Nayyar, Former Vice Chancellor, Delhi University, Dr. Maria Cristina Cacciamali, Professor, University of Sao Paulo, Prof. Alexandre Barbosa, University of Sao Paulo will participate in the debate and enrich the deliberations. While welcoming the guests, Professor Alakh N Sharma, the Director of Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, said that Brazil, China, India and South Africa are not only major force in global economy they are important centers of research and policy innovations as well. In spite of several dissimilarities, these countries while pursuing their economic growth path are facing similar challenges like slow growth of decent employment and inequality.
Consultative workshop on “Labour Market Inequality: A comparative study in Brazil and India”, 1-2 April 2013, New Delhi
A two days consultative workshop for the project was organized on April 1-2, 2013 at IHD, New Delhi. The workshop was attended by éminent experts like Professor T.S. Papola, Professor Jayati Ghosh, Dr. J. Krishnamurty, Professor Dev Nathan, Mr. Balwant Singh Mehta, Professor Alexandre Barbosa, Dr. Maria Cristina Cacciamali, Professor Preet Rustagi, Dr. Ashok Pankaj, Ms. Janine Rodgers, Professor Gerry Rodgers, Ms. Vidhya Soundararajan, Professor Sandip Sarkar, Dr. Ajit Ghose. This workshop was also attended by the Brazilian team from CEBRAP, Sau Paulo. In this workshop, the experts and advisory team discussed with the research team the scope and method of the study, main research issues, research techniques to be adopted and tried to reach a common understanding about the structure of the study and its methodology.